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Spanish Language Placement Test

Step One: Register

On the homepage, click the "Register Now" link (in the right-hand column) and enter your information.

Step Two: Home

On the homepage after you are logged in, you will see a list of the Assessments that are available to you.

Click on an Assessment link to begin. You will see a page with an overview of the assessment.

Step Three: Starting an Assessment

Click on an Assessment link and you will see a page with an overview of the assessment -- # of sections and questions.

Click the Begin/Resume link and you will go to the assessment question. (If for some reason your test session is interrupted, the resume functionality allows you to start at the next unanswered question in the assessment.)

The questions are presented individually. You will see one question at a time as you take the assessment.

Read the directions for each question carefully.

Step Four: Completing the Assessment

When you have completed all of the questions in the assessment, you will be directed to a page showing your score.

Step Five: Logging Out

When you are finished, click the Logout button in the header to logout.