Registration Form

Please fill out the form below in its entirety. Fields marked with "**" are required.
The Spanish Placement Test Site respects your privacy. We will only use your information to contact you for the purposes of the exam. Thank you.

Login Info
Language Background
What is your gender? **
Your age falls within which group? **
a. 18-30
b. 31-40
c. 41-50
d. 51 and above
Which best describes you? **
a. I am currently employed as a healthcare interpreter.
b. I have been employed as a healthcare interpreter but not at present.
c. I am or have been an interpreter, but not in a healthcare setting.
d. I have never been an interpreter of any type.
If you have been an interpreter of any type, how many years have you done this? **
a. 0. I have never been an interpreter.
b. 3 years or less
c. 4-6 years
d. 7-9 years
e. 10 years or more
What is your highest degree of education? **
a. high school graduate
b. some college
c. college graduate
d. graduate or professional degree
How many years have you studied Spanish as a foreign language in high school and in college all together? (Assume that 1 year of high school = 1 semester in college). **
a. Less than 2 years
b. 3-4 years
c. 5-6 years
d. More than 6 years
e. None, Spanish is my native language
f. None, I learned it outside of the formal education training, as a secondary language as a child
g. None, I learned it outside of the formal education training, as a secondary language as an adult